How to Write a Love Note

There is something about love notes that make women's hearts skip for joy.  And if you are thinking of a way how to make your girlfriend, wife or romantic partner, be swept off her feet, writing a love note for her can be a very magnificent idea.

If in any case you are running out of ideas about how to write a love note, let me just congratulate you for you have landed on the right page!  This article is basically dedicated to you, who is planning to awe his lovely lady through the classics of words.  I will give you superb ideas on how to write a love note.

The Classic
The scent of parchment paper with ink can take your better half back in time.  Make her feel like a respected lady during the era of royalties by using a nice pen and parchment.  Start off with "My Ever Dearest (her name)."  Pour your heart out in every word that you etch on that classy paper.  If you are quite good with rhymes, you can tell your heart's desires through a poem.  That's another classic way of writing a love note.  You can end it through "with all my love, (your name)."  Don't forget to have it sealed.  Closing it up with a wax seal will complete the classical look.  You can have customized wax seals on  You can either secretly slip it in her organizer or send it via snail mail at her office address.

The Open Letter Approach
If you have a blog site, or a Facebook account, you can do this open letter thing.  Have your blog titled as "An Open Letter To Miss (her full name)."  Start typing the words that you want to tell her.  Just write what is in your heart.  You don't have to use words that are quite hard to understand to impress her.  Just the idea of your love letter being exposed for the whole world to read, will be romantic and impressive enough.  The appreciative comments of her friends and yours will just make your letter sweeter.

Audio-Video Presentation
If you have editing skills, you can turn your love letter into an audio-visual presentation.  Add up some photos or video clips that match the words you want to tell her.  Synchronize it with her favorite song or any music that will fit the clips and your words.  You can also record yourself while you read your own letter.  Upload it on YouTube and send her the link or post it on your Facebook account.

The "Face Of Love" Hunt
This can be really fun, though it'll take time to finish.  Take candid shots of her - while she eats, while she sleeps, when she looks just gorgeous and even when she looks crazy.  Have the photos printed and write "I love you" sentences on each one.  For an example, on a picture of her eating, you can write "I love you when you're eating."  Place them in every key points of the house – the door, the fridge, her lampshade, the bathroom mirror or in her closet.  She will surely go around the house looking for more of her.

How to write a love note is actually quite easy.  You can be plain and nice or you can be very creative in writing a love note.  The most important thing about writing a love note is that you have to be sincere and do not be afraid to pour your heart out.  All you need is to exert a bit of effort and to dedicate a few minutes of your time!  With those simple words you etch on your paper or the ones you've decided to type on that blank document, you will be able to make her day wonderful and full of love.  What are you waiting for?  Go write a love note for the queen of your world.

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