Make Your Boyfriend Love to Kiss You

Many women have the same problem. Your boyfriend who you adore just isn't into kissing. It is really hard for women to deal with this because it makes us feel unattractive and hurts our feelings. Kissing is very important to women because it tells us that our guys want us and are attracted to us. Here are some ideas for making your boyfriend more interested in kissing.

1. Tell your boyfriend how important kissing is to you and that you would like more kissing with the two of you. Let him know why it matters to you and how much it matters to you. Once he hears this he will probably make sure to spend more time kissing you. You and your boyfriend need to have more than sexual chemistry for the relationship to work, of course. Discuss the need for kissing without making it about your relationship for best results.

2. Think about your boyfriend's kissing style. Does he give you soft, gentle kisses or are they deep and passionate? Even if your boyfriend's kissing style doesn't exactly match with yours, you should not tell him you don't like it or he isn't doing it right. He may have had someone tell him that in the past and feel inadequate as a kisser and that may be why you don't get the kissing you need. You need to make him feel like a great kisser. Pay attention to his kissing style and go along with it. If he gives you a gentle and soft kiss you can turn it into a more passionate kiss by going along with the kiss for awhile before opening your mouth. If he gives you a sloppy kiss and you would rather have a hard, strong kiss than when he is not expecting it give him the kind of kiss you want. He will get the idea about spontaneous kisses and hopefully use different kissing techniques in the future.

3. As your boyfriend gets more confidence he will most likely kiss you a lot more often and he'll really enjoy it. It is important to give your boyfriend positive feedback when he kisses you, even when he is still working on getting better. The more you praise his kissing skills, the more he will want to kiss you. He will pick up on what kind of kisses you enjoy and you will both be very satisfied.

4. It may be that he has a problem with your kissing style or you just aren't a great kisser. Talk to him about what he likes in a kiss and chances are he will be more than happy to show you!

5. If you think his nerves are getting the better of him tell him he is doing a great job and you are really enjoying his kisses. That will get rid of his nerves for sure.

6. Not all men enjoy having to be the first to initiate a kiss and it can be nerve wracking for some. Turn it around on him and initiate the kiss yourself. He will love it and you will probably get a lot more kisses after that.

7. You will probably surprise him when you kiss him first but he will most likely return the kiss. Make sure you don't give up on the kiss - you have to kiss him back in order to keep him interested in kissing you!

8. Make slow and gentle moves when going to kiss him.

9. Look into his eyes when going in for a kiss.

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