The Energies of Natural Game

In the past ive found that ive had results just being completely honest, and revealing myself with my core intent. Saying the exact thing I feel in the moment, It usually just pops in my head right before I need to say it.

The problem with guys that are bad with women, Is they come from a place of bad inner game, and have the opposite of these states you need.

Think, if you have the right mindset or inner game, the exact thing your thinking in the moment will always be the right thing to say. You don't have to pre plan anything, if you alternate between these three states in your pickups.

1.Having Sexual Intent- Being sexually attracted to women, and being completely comfortable with your sexuality. This is an aggressive dominant energy. 

2.Being The Trophy- Knowing that your the trophy in any relationship. That your the prize.

3. Fun/playful energy- Having fun and amusing yourself.

In any good pickup you alternate between these three states. If you are tapped into this vibe, your core is full of one of these energies. So exactly what your thinking at the time will be the right thing to say.

In order to be the most congruent, and the most genuine in a pickup you need to be in the moment. Women can feel your presence and will respond more to you if your fully in the moment with her. You will come of as very congruent and genuine

Your in the moment when your not in your head thinking of what to say, or any possible future outcomes, or past experiences.

When your realize the three energies needed for a pickup, you will be on fire. Everything just clicks and is so smooth. You'll notice when your tapped into these energies how powerful they are.

How the mind works in pickup is a funny and interesting thing. You always start with Intent what your purpose is. Then Intent goes through two filters before it gets outwardly expressed. It goes like this.

Intent (your core) >>>> Thoughts >>>> Emotions >>>> Expression

The problem with all the pickup techniques, is that they change your thoughts and not your intent, so you get incongruence. The thing with natural game is that it should change your core or intent. Your want your intent to go right through to your expression. The ideal pickup should be like this.

Intent >>>> Expression

1. Having Sexual Intent
2. Being the Trophy
3. Fun/Playful energy

Going right from your intent to your expression. Ill also talk about emotions and how you only get negative emotions when your in your head thinking. You get bad emotions from thinking of possible future outcomes or scenarios, or past experiences. When your in the moment and gaming through an energy or your intent the worlds will arise on the spot. Being in the moment completely only provides positive emotions.

For example right when you see an attractive women BOOM immediately you feel that intent, the problem is it gets filtered through your mind which is analyzing possible future outcomes, or thinking or possible failures in the past. Then you get anxiety or bad emotions, this is approach anxiety. If you went with your natural intent, which would be the sexual and dominant energy and you were completely in the moment the words would arise and you would have no anxiety.

The majority of routines or lines, are all coming from a place of one of these energies. So always be using these. Using this energies will take care of attraction, it will take care of screening the girl, everything except for comfort.

Along with the three energies, you need to get past three levels of comfort in any interactions with a woman. These three levels of comfort are.

1.]Superficial- being comfortable talking to a stranger, You want to open inducing social comfort, you do this by, saying things that people are used hearing in the normal blueprint of how the have interacted with a stranger before.

2.Rapport- rapport is just you and her getting to know each other, where she feels comfortable enough to reveal information about herself to you.

3.Sexual- Sexual comfort usually comes last, but a certain level is necessary every time you guys have sex. Two things matter in creating sexual comfort.

The first is that you or nobody else will think that she is a slut for sleeping with you.

Second is that she wants to make sure that there is a future possibility of a relationship, she wants to feel this because evolutionarily it was bad if the father didn't stick around to care care for the child. Even though we have invented things such as condoms women still have the mindset that they still could get pregnant and the connection that you two have would keep your around for the child.

All you have to do is combine these three energies

1. Being a sexual person and being comfortable with it
2. Knowing that your the trophy or prize
3. Having fun and amusing yourself

And these three comfort levels

1. Superficial
2. Rapport
3. Sexual

Every time I have tested this so far I've had good results. Guys, tell me your thoughts on it, and try it out for yourself and post your experiences here.


Naturals do all of these pickup "techniques" naturally. Its because they have a certain type of intent.

You can pickup girls using techniques, but it takes a lot more brain power and work. When your in your head thinking of what to say, or what technique to use then your game will not be as good as if your in the moment.

Pickup techniques are like a fake representation of the person you are at your core, or your inner game. So instead of using a program on the operating system, we wanna go deeper and change the operating system.

Besides do you wanna have to systematically think of every step and have it be a chore, or do you wanna have fun and be in the moment so everything is easy and effortless?

Ill give you an example of the traditional mindset of a pua. They usually are thinking of the future, so their intent is to get laid.

Intent (getting laid) >>>

Next comes the thoughts in their mind they go, now that I wanna get laid I have to use these techniques. So they cover up their true intent with a "technique". They use a system to represent a natural with the right intent. Also they examine possible future scenarios things like maybe she will reject me, shes with a guy who will kick my ass etc. All this does is create more anxiety. Emotions are the minds effect on the body.

Intent (getting laid) >>> Thoughts (the pickup system, past/future)

Then comes the emotions. Since most normal people analyze their past experiences, or what could happen in the future they usually think of bad things and there in their heads thinking even when there talking to someone. This creates bad and weird emotions.

Intent (getting laid) >>> Thoughts (the pickup system, past/future) >>> Emotions (bad emotions from being in your head) >>> Expression

Then after your mind goes through all these stages your words are expressed, if you already haven't figured out this can create some problems.

Having an intent of getting laid will make you come off as needy or possibly creepy, like your trying to 'get' something from the girl.

That is covered up by the pickup system which comes off as a different intent than the one your truly thinking. Combine that with being in your mind thinking and analyzing. You can come off as incongruent. An example "who lies more guys or girls?" The woman "why are you asking us this?" or sometimes you might get "why are you talking to us?".

Combine all this with the bad emotions from analyzing past/future experiences. Remember bad emotions only come from analyzing the future and the past. Your expression will be bad because it had to go through all these stages before it was expressed. Almost never does your intent go straight through to your expression.

For example you see a hot girl BOOM intent immediately. If you just went with your intent and weren't in your head thinking of possible past/future scenarios you would approach immediately. Instead you get approach anxiety.

Instead when your completely in the moment, feeling one of the three energies everything will click and be smooth and also more fun and easier for you.

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