Very Simple Meditation Technique for Getting in Alignment with Your Higher Self and Source Energy

The most important thing you can do in order to cultivate alignment is to INTEND to get in alignment with your higher self and take a little bit of time every day to focus on it. I call this practice "meditation" but you can call it relaxation, prayer, quiet time, solitude or whatever you like. It's about taking a little time out of your day, every day, and just getting quiet and focusing your attention inward. It's about getting in touch with your inner wisdom (or Source energy flowing through you).

Deciding to get aligned is a bit like deciding to get physically fit. It just sounds like hard work and many people hate the idea and have convinced themselves that they simply can't do it. And when you start an exercise regime, you may not see or feel any progress for quite a while. In fact, if anything, you may feel worse because not only do you not feel fit, you are now also more tired because your body is adjusting and you may even be a little depressed because you think you're putting in a lot of effort and there are no results. It FEELS LIKE it's not working!!

I probably don't have to tell you that if you don't stick with your physical exercise regime, you will not change your body. But if you do stick with it - even though it's pretty tough in the beginning – you WILL begin to see results and it WILL become easier and easier as time goes on and it WILL eventually become a habit that you won't skip unless you have to. You will probably begin to love it.
Now, I know that physical fitness seems to come easier to some than to others. Some seem to be made for it and others really struggle to attain even a moderate level of fitness. I'm not going lie to you – my observation is that spiritual fitness is similar. Some people seem naturally tuned in to their spirit and appear to attain a connection with seemingly little effort while others struggle for moderate success. And the truth is that I'm probably closer to the latter group than the former.
The point is that no matter who you are or where you are on the continuum, you would do well for yourself to make your spiritual fitness a priority, to whatever level works for you. You do have to start and the EVERY DAY part is actually more important that the "how much you sweat when you're doing it" part is.
Just like with physical exercise, you will have on and off days, even as a practiced individual. Even after years of meditating, there will be days when you feel you are starting from scratch and days where you feel like you could take on the universe. It doesn't mean you stop the whole thing and say this doesn't work for me. You keep going the next day and the next and the next.
But you must start and you must continue to do it. It doesn't have to be spooky or weird or even particularly "spiritual". You just need to quiet your mind as best you can. You will not be able to stop all thought. You are made of thought. This is a thought-based cosmos and you are thought vibration in an endless sea of thought waves. (I like to think of myself as one of God's brain cells.) So, don't start with the defeatist attitude that you simply cannot meditate because you can't stop your thoughts and therefore meditation doesn't work for you.
Just like with physical exercise, there will be something you can do that will suit your style and it may not be the thing everyone else is doing. Maybe everyone else is jogging but you hate jogging. You may prefer to take long walks. Maybe the only kind of exercise you can really enjoy and get into is splashing around in the paddling pool. Well then do that. The point is, no one can tell you what kind of meditative exercise will work for you. It's not one size fits all. But you need to explore and find something you think you could enjoy and start doing it.
We're also not talking about hours of meditation every day. This isn't about sitting on hot coals for extended lengths of time or stopping all thought for at least one hour every day. It really is just about taking 5 and seeking solitude for a few minutes. It's just about getting quiet and getting in touch with that inner world. If trying to calm your mind and thought processes just seems way too much like hard work, then try this exercise that I developed based on an old meditation technique called thought observation. I call it "Stepping Back":
Find yourself a quiet time and space in which to do this practice. Quiet your mind and focus on your breathing. Breathe deeply and evenly and try to centre yourself, meaning, just find a place of peace where your mind can be at rest. Unless you are an expert at meditation, thoughts will eventually begin to drift back into your consciousness. Instead of releasing them and bringing your mind back to your breathing, do release them in one large exhale, but let them float onto a large screen (like a cinema screen) that is some distance away from you, where they will smear out onto the surface of the screen.
Alternatively, you may like to release them in "bubbles" as if you were under water. They can either stay in the bubble and you can watch them from the outside or they can "pop" onto the surface of the water and play out that way. Now you can let the thought or scenario play out in front of you, but try to maintain an "outside" point of view as if you were watching a film. Try not to be "in" the movie or character, just watch and observe. Let the emotions, which are attached to the scene stay in your "character". You, however, are detached. Allow the scene to play out. When the next thought comes, do the same.
If you will do this exercise regularly for a while, your meditation time will begin to evolve and you will be led to deeper connection and communication from your inner world. This evolution will be your own, guided by your higher self. I can't tell you how it will evolve, because it will be unique to you.
If you are interested in more traditional meditation techniques, there are plenty of free on-line resources to learn traditional meditation for the absolute beginner. For some great audio tools which will help you achieve a meditative state (alpha) more quickly, check out "brainwave entrainment".
Whatever you do, if you are committed to making the Law of Attraction work in your life, make a commitment to getting aligned with your inner self. This will definitely speed up the process and take you to the next level!
I hope you have found this article useful. Please leave a comment on my blog at to let me know if this has helped or make a suggestion about something you want me to write about. For now, I wish you peace and joy.

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