Is It Too Much to Handle? Can You Save Your Relationship After Infidelity?

Well, let's just say that you made a 'mistake' and were unfaithful to your partner. You've realized the error of your ways and want to do whatever you can to try to salvage your relationship. Though it is a long, difficult, and painful road ahead, it is possible to save your relationship after infidelity.
It is not a guarantee by any stretch of the imagination, this is perhaps the worst thing one can do in a relationship and moving past it is going to be a constant struggle. If you want to save your relationship after infidelity, and you are willing to risk rejection and failure, read on for what to expect and what to do.
An apology is not an effective way of fixing this type of problem. The trust that your partner has in you - the foundation any solid relationship is based upon - has been completely obliterated. You've betrayed them in a way that is deeply personal and convincing them that your actions were a mistake is of utmost importance. They have to be convinced that you are truly sorry and that you will not stray from them again. If what you say does not come across to them as genuine, they will not be able to believe you, and your chance to save your relationship after infidelity just became an even more difficult, if not impossible endeavor.
To help you help yourself in making things right, it might be wise to seek some help for yourself during this trying time. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on, even if we are the ones who did wrong, and a professional will be able to assist you in managing your feelings and understanding where your partner is coming from.
If you want to save your relationship after infidelity, you are going to have to accept and face the hurt and anguish you have caused your partner. You are going to have to convince them that you understand their pain, know you've done wrong, and will spend as long it takes proving yourself to them again. To really have a chance to make things right, you have to be willing to put in the effort for the long haul, and then, just maybe, you'll get another chance.

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