Smiling to Change your mood

Have you ever caught yourself in a bad mood? You went out for a night of sarging and you just where not feeling it that night? Perhaps sometimes you get in a bad mood and it is hard for you to snap out of it. If you continue to let yourself be down and negative it will only create a negatively downward spiral that will only hurt your game and potential significantly. There is a powerful, yet simple solution to this problem that we encounter.

The Solution:

Before you can start to learn how to influence the moods of others, you are first going to need how to control your own. This goes hand in hand with mind control. Before you can learn to control someone else and there emotions you first need to learn how to control your own and yourself. Which means staying extremely positive and giving off the right vibes . Sometimes we dwell on negative thoughts and then the more that we think about those, the more negative they become and pretty soon, your not in a good mood. It's a negative self reinforcing cycle of negative emotions! This is BAD! So next time you start to notice your thoughts are turning negative when out and about or at work or were ever you maybe.. STOP YOURSELF immediately! And try to think about positive things. An example of this would be to day dream about how well your career is going to go, or how you are going to seduce that lovely lady who's number you picked up the other night.
Another thing that you can do is think of something funny, when you want to look fun and approach able, think of something funny that gets you to start laughing. It can be anything, from the time that you found out your brother was a cross dresser to the time your sister fell down the stairs! (Funny in context, just not if it's your sister). It doesn't matter, as long as it looks like your enjoying yourself and appear to be happy! What's very interesting about this is by controlling what you think about will change your mood and your outlook towards life and how you interact with people!

Women are very hypnotically suggestible. If you approach a woman in a bad mood or are depressed you will make her start to feel depressed as well. Think about it. Have you ever been to a bar and talked to that lonely depressed drunk that just goes on and on about something, his negativity, and his own aura just brings you down. Soon after you are looking for a way to escape him. Instead of being negative and approaching and gaming in a bad mood, try to do the opposite instead. Go in with a positive mind set, be happy and in a good mood. Your positive emotions will rub off on others and they will associate these good feelings with you.

Try it!! It's all very subtle, but it's all reflected in your mood. To sum it all up. Think positive as much as you can! Stop yourself from dwelling on negative thoughts, it's NOT ATTRACTIVE! When down or in a bad mood, try to think of something funny! Just by smiling, it tells your brain that your happy and it indirectly stimulates the release of Dopamine. It's time to get your smile on.

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